
SUP in the winter: Stand Up Paddeln on Lake Fuschl in winter

One normally associates Stand Up Paddeln with summer, sunshine and warm water.  The idea of daring to go on the water with winter winds and snow is for many a great overcoming.  But also in the winter, when one is practically alone on the water with a SUP, absolute tranquility, and Nature dons her winter look, then Stand Up Paddeln with the right equipment is an unforgettable adventure.  Besides, the SUP in winter is an excellent trainings possibility outdoors.

What should one consider when using an SUP in winter?

Eine Person geht mit SUP in der Hand zum See im Winter

It is always Safety First

Especially in winter and spring it is indispensable to be accordingly prepared for cold water temperatures.  Cold water, from a temperature of 15°C and colder, one can quickly suffer from cold shock.


SUP liegt am schneebedeckten Steg in Hof bei Salzburg

Be careful when choosing the right equipment

Maybe the biggest challenge when Stand Up Paddeln in winter is the temperature of the water and   the air.  However this also applies to other sports:  There is no bad weather, just the wrong clothing!


We are SUP-BOX

The SUP-Box is meanwhile over 10 years old and we simply live our passion for water to the full. 

With our Homebase on Lake Fuschl we are exactly there where we belong:

at the gateway to the Salzkammergut and its 67 unique lakes!  We look forward to sharing our passion with you.

We stand for fun and action at and on the water and we do what we can do the best:


This is us

Pack list for SUP in winter and tips for the start on the board

As already mentioned, the priority of SUP in winter is not the bad weather, but about the correct equipment. Therefore to SUP in winter we recommend you to wear a breathable SUP dry suit.  For the selection of the suits in our assortment, we pay special focus to offer  the best of the best , for the most important factor is the material.  Underneath the dry suit one should ideally wear ski under-clothes, which are warm and still allow the necessary freedom of movement necessary when paddling.  In addition one needs thick neoprene shoes, neoprene gloves (with grip for the paddle) and a hood against the temperature.


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When on a SUP in winter one is exposed to the elements.(H2)

What applies when paddling in summer, is in winter even more important.  Wind and weather can influence the Stand Up Paddeln even more.  Before one a SUP winter tour begins, one should ensure that no snow storm or strong wind is forecast.  The wind can at the turn of a hand, change a quiet lake into a stormy experience.  The consequence is that one can be blown off course or can be thrown from the SUP.  Also be aware of fog which may affect visibility.  Therefore we recommend when foggy that one wears a striking overthrow which can be seen in bad weather.  And do not forget:  always pack a head-light for in winter, dusk can come in quicker than one realizes.


SUP Fahrer im Winter am Fuschlsee

The access can be a challenge in winter

In the summer one simply goes barefoot or with light summer shoes and over an easy shore onto a SUP board.   In the winter this can be a big difference.  Steep, slippery slopes with snow and ice, or masses of snow into which one sinks by the entrance.


SUP Fahrer macht sich berreit für die Tour am See im Winter

We recommend good winter footwear to get to the start of the tour

In winter conditions we recommend you to wear good footwear to the start of our tour.  These can be stowed either in a dry bag or dry rucksack or left in a sheltered place in a dry bag.


SUP fahrer im Winter

Pay attention by the spot choice, that in winter certain areas are rest areas for Nature and animals.

Use a dry Rucksack for your equipment

In the so-called dry bag or dry rucksack, one can take spare clothing.  This is practical when on a long tour one perspires or gets wet.

The dry bag is of course ideal for a snack and storage for a mobile or camera.

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Waterproof cover for mobile when taking photos and for safety

Indispensable when Stand Up Paddeln is a waterproof mobile cover – not only taking photos, but also for recording training information, and one can quickly react should there be an emergency situation.

Check on the battery of your mobile as this can be affected by winter conditions.

Safety Leash and Rest Tube should be part of your equipment

A Safety Leash is particularly recommended in winter,  (except when on a river with flow) so that the SUP stays near to you should you fall off the board.

A water airbag from: eg. Rest tube is also a must.  This is a self-inflating rescue buoy.  One fixes this on a belt so that one has enough buoyancy should one fall into the water.

Pack List for SUP in winter and tips for the start of your tour

  • Breathable SUP dry suit
  • Ski underwear
  • Thick Neoprene shoes
  • Neoprene gloves
  • Hood
  • Good winter footwear to get to the start of tour
  • Dry bag
  • Mobile and waterproof cover
  • Safety Leash
  • Water Airbag
  • Head-light
online shop
Eine Person geht mit SUP in der Hand zum See im Winter

Important is that you tell someone when you are out alone with the SUP in winter

Why SUP-Box?  Quite simply, we are SUP!

With our Homebase on Lake Fuschl we are just where we should be:  at the entrance to the Salzkammergut and its 67 unique lakes!  We look forward to sharing our passion with you.

Our diverse offers cover the hire of a Stand Up Paddle Board, as well as bookable Stand Up Paddle Courses such as starter course, basic course and/or private hour and guided SUP tours such as sun-set tour, SUP family tour, Yoga & SUP and much more.  Also possible are Action Events such as company and group events, action days, team building, bachelor parties, school days as well as Fun 4 Kids and also SUP and Kite Equipment Sale

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The SUP-Box in Fuschl am See was set up ten years ago and we live our passion to water to the full.  We stand for fun and movement by and on the water and we do what we can do best and that is SUPen!

Many years of experience paired with expertise and know-how are our trademark.  We are a well-rehearsed team who share together the element of water, the love of Nature and sport as a big passion.  In the SUP BOX different competences are combined and fulfilled and lived out in the form of a common life dream!

Experten am SUP

Redakteur: Manuel Ebner


Der sportliche Allrounder ist am liebsten am Wasser unterwegs, dreht mit dem SUP seine Runden auf den wundervollen Seen im Salzkammergut.  Als Sportwissenschaftler und angehender Sportjournalist treibt er auf der Uni Salzburg sein Unwesen, und hat dabei im Schreiben eine weitere, große Leidenschaft für sich entdeckt.

  • Text: Manuel Ebner
  • Bildnachweise: SUP-BOX; Fuschlseeregion; Michael Grössinger; SLT
  • Link:

Come ride with us!

Winter in the Fuschlseeregion


Book your winter holiday between mountains and lakes now. We are looking forward to your visit!

Urlaub Buchen
Mädchen rodelt den Berg hinunter- Winterlandschaft
Spaß im Schnee
© Schneeschuhwandern (c) Fuschlseeregion Erber
schneeschuhwandern bei Sonnenschein über verschneite Wiesen (c) Fuschlseeregion Erber