Take your Time-out
- directly in nature


Places of interest in the city of Salzburg & SalzburgerLand

Close by and yet another world: Salzburg. Culture is a part of civilization´s heritage, one of the world´s most precious pearls. This city - made wealthy by salt, famous by Mozart, and powerful by the archbishops - has preserved its cultural and architectural legacy up to the present day. Salzburg is always worth a visit.

The City of Salzburg is easily reached with puplic trasport from all the resorts of the Holiday  Region Fuschlsee.


Kontakt & Service

Fuschlsee Tourismus GmbH
Dorfstraße 1
5330 Fuschl am See

Phone +43 6226 8384
E-Mail info@fuschlseeregion.com
Web fuschlsee.salzkammergut.at/

Further information