Take your Time-out
- directly in nature



Koppl, Salzburg, Österreich
In nature lies the power - care products, balms, teas and co.

We have been taught this since our childhood.
Growing up in the countryside, the natural pharmacy is literally right outside the house. Bee stings are made more bearable with ribwort or colds are chased away with rosemary, marjoram and chamomile.
Over the years, the interest increased more and more, so that KrautundCo was born.
In addition to face and body care products, we also produce various balms, different teas, herbal salts, syrups, incense blends and much more.
Sharing our passion with other people is the most beautiful gift for us. But of course also the positive feedback from satisfied customers.

By telephone arrangement.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Lerchenweg 10
5321 Koppl

Phone +43 664 355 - 1536
E-Mail karina.mayr@gmail.com
Web www.outdooractive.com/de/poi/fuschl…

Contact person
Mrs Karina Mayr
Lerchenweg 10
5321 Koppl

Phone +43 664 355 - 1536
E-Mail karina.mayr@gmail.com
Web www.outdooractive.com/de/poi/fuschlseeregion/krautundco/66780978/

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