The Castle Fishery is one of the many attractions of the Hotel Schloss Fuschl. The speciality of the Fishery is the freshly smoked fish (trout and saibling). Take a seat and nd enjoy the perfectly smoked fish amidst the beautiful setting with a breathtaking view across the lake.
Fishing season: 1st of April to 30th of November
Allowed beadings and fishing gear:
allowed are two fishing rods, each with max. 5 Nymphs. No living baits are allowed.
Species of Fishes:
lake trout, lake fingerling,
stream trout, whitefish, luce, tench, carp, eel, perch, chub, roach, red-eye
Catch limit:
Each day 7 pieces of fish
fish including 2 ciscos. Other fishes such as luce or whiting are not subject to limitations.
Places of issuing:
at Hof - Castle fishery, Shell petrol station
at Fuschl am See - Seehotel Schlick, Store Huber, BP-petrol station supermarkt, Tourist Office
at Seekirchen - Fishermans Partner - specialist for fishing
Kaufhaus/Guesthouse/Fishing equipment Huber
Phone: +43 (0)6226 8217
Angelcenter Salzburg Phone:+43 (0)6226 427635
click here for price information:
The Fuschlsee - you can reach it by the B158 or the public bus #150
The Castle Fishery is open:
Daily 8 a.m. -6 p.m.
Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. -6 p.m.
Sunday and holyday closed!
Please get in touch for more information.
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