Take your Time-out
- directly in nature


Weekly travel pass for guests in the Fuschlseeregion

Do you want to let your car parked at the hotel or you already arrived by public transport? You now can get your inexpensive travel pass for public transportation through the Fuschlseeregion, to lake Wolfgangsee and the city of Salzburg. Check out the offer of the Salzburger Verkehrverbund (Salzburg Travel and public transportation agency).

The prices are staggered according to the regions travelled to:

1 region € 19,- 

2 regions € 29,-

Province of Salzburg € 39,-

The card can be transferarble to other users.

You can get your myRegio weekly travel pass directly at the busdriver of the regional busses.

Please visit the following website for further details: https://salzburg-verkehr.at/en/tickets-fares/time-cards/