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- directly in nature


Salzkammergut Sommercard

21 days valid - from 3 nights € 3,90 under 3 nights € 4,90 - over 120 attractions with up to 25 % reduction

Get your Salzkammergut Card in your accomodation* or in the tourist information office. Please find further Information below.

Click here to see the participating attraction.

Click here for the competition.

Benefits of the Summercard

Up to 25% discount for over 120 popular attractions, sights and leisure activities in the Salzkammergut.


From 01 May to 31 October, for the entire duration of your holiday. For locals and second-home owners, the card is valid for 21 days from issue. The SommerCard is valid as soon as the reverse side is completely filled out and is not transferable.



At all tourist information offices and info points as well as many hotels, inns and partner businesses in the Salzkammergut.



The Salzkammergut SommerCard is free of charge in all participating accomodations for stays of three nights or more. Guests can only obtain the free card in their holiday region. In the Fuschlseeregion, guests receive the SommerCard at EUR 3.90 per person for stays of three nights or more. For stays of less than three  nights, the card costs EUR 4.90 per person. Children under age 15 do not need a SommerCard but can take advantage of reduced rates when accompanied by an adult (with a SommerCard).


Take part and win!


With a bit of luck, win a five-night stay in a four-star Salzkammergut hotel for two people including breakfast at a value of EUR 800. The drawing will take place for all participants in mid-November 2021 behind closed doors. Click here to enter the competition: https://www.salzkammergut.at/en/salzkammergut-card/sommercard.html