© Advent der Dörfer in Ebenau beim Brunnengarten (c)Fuschlseeregion-Stadler
Adventmarkt von oben gesehen in Ebenau beim Brunnengarten (c)Fuschlseeregion-Stadler

Krampusse and Perchten

Krampusse and Perchten are closely associated with traditional Christmas customs in this country and are an integral part of the Advent and Christmas season. 

The Krampus, an eerie figure half man, half animal, with horns, rattles and bells, usually appears together with St. Nicholas. On 5th and 6rh December, the groups go from house to house; while St. Nicholas rewards the good, the Krampus is known for frightening and punishing the bad.

Perchten stand for the expulsion of evil spirits, they are supposed to bring luck for the new year and are divided, depending on region and origin, into the "good" Schönperchten or the "bad" Schiachperchten. 
In many regions, the great interest among the population has led to the development of Krampus and Perchten runs from the old customs. The groups and Passen, as they are called, often perform at large spectacles with music and lots of show, displaying their elaborate costumes, skins and elaborately carved masks. 

There are also numerous Krampus and Perchten runs in the Fuschlsee region in SalzburgerLand and Salzkammergut:

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

Dates for the Krampus-Runs:

Kontakt & Service

Tourismusverband Fuschlseeregion
Dorfstraße 1
5330 Fuschl am See

Phone +43 6226 8384
E-Mail info@fuschlseeregion.com
Web fuschlsee.salzkammergut.at/