Dame beim Langlaufen in Hintersee

in der Fuschlseeregion


Wintershuttle for free in Faistenau

Free Wintershuttle in the Fuschlseeregion!

In cooperation with the Salzburger Verkehrsverbung, we offer all holidaymakers, day guests, holders of the guest card and, of course, locals the opportunity - in connection with the practice of a winter sport - to use lines 150, 155 & 157 from Salzburg to Faistenau, Tiefbrunnau and Hintersee. Of course, this also applies to the return journey.

Whether you want to go skiing in the Gaissau-Hintersee ski area, go cross-country skiing in Tiefbrunnau or go snow tubing with your children in Faistenau - simply hop on and enjoy the winter landscape on your journey. 

Take advantage of this free option to get to your winter fun in a sustainable, comfortable, safe and above all, without the hassle of searching for a free parking space. 

Detailed timetable information can be found here.


Die nachfolgende Bildergalerie ist mittels Pfeiltasten (links, rechts) bedienbar.

Kontakt & Service

Tourismusverband Fuschlseeregion
Dorfstraße 1
5330 Fuschl am See

Telefon +43 6226 8384
E-Mail info@fuschlseeregion.com
Web fuschlsee.salzkammergut.at/